How does it work?

Spin up the Bloembraaden docker image or clone the Bloembraaden GitHub repository to your server and follow the install instructions (readme). A designer can login and create one or more ‘instances’ (client websites). Each instance holds a webdesign. Just upload the html template (parts), css file and javascript file to the specific instance. Bloembraaden will combine and compress these to be used serving the content, when you hit ‘Publish’.

Staging / testing

You can use subdomains to stage websites using a domain that you control. For the templates there is also a sandbox, so you can see the changes you made before publishing.

Client login

A designer can create one or more client logins for each website. The client can login on their own website and manage the content. Everything is updated on the fly. Currently there are no roles, but the edit-actions of each client login are recorded.

Decorative image.