Markup text

Bloembraaden has a Parser based on Markdown (but not exactly the same) so you can easily give texts basic formatting.
Markdown is a widely used and popular markup language.
You can not use html itself (it will be displayed literally).


Paragraphs arise automatically after a blank line.


You create headings (h1 to h6) by starting a new line with the number of hashtags (#) of the heading level. So ### for h3. It is advisable not to use one # (the h1 heading is usually automatically placed by the template as the main title).

Bullet list

Start each new line with a bullet point followed by a space, normally using - (minus) for that. It is also possible to make lists with + and *, depending on the template there are differences between these. It is currently (unlike Markdown) NOT possible to create a list within a list, i.e. deeper levels.


Use [ ] for an empty and [x] for a checked checkbox. Result: and .

Numbered list

It is possible to generate a numbered list by starting a new line with a number followed by a . (dot). Unlike Markdown, Bloembraaden checks which number your list starts with, and will number continuously from that number. This way you can continue a list later in the content. Please note that each immediately following item will automatically be numbered consecutively, regardless of the number you use.

Make links

Creating links has been adopted from Markdown, because this is a good way (for the user). The point is to keep the (unformatted) text readable and yet be flexible and complete with the options for placing links. There are 3 ways: simple link, include link entirely in the text, include link as reference. The last two give the option to enter a title, DO THIS because it is good for SEO.

Simple link

Type the URL you want to link to between angle brackets in the text:

The most beautiful photos can be found at <>, they deliver the art worldwide.

Will become:
The most beautiful photos can be found at, they deliver the art worldwide.

Inline link

With this link, the underlined text is different from the URL, which looks a lot neater:

You can find the most beautiful photos at [Nonstockphoto]( "Online gallery Nonstockphoto"), they deliver the […]

Will become:
You can find the most beautiful photos at Nonstockphoto, they deliver the […]

Reference link

Because the text with inline links can become quite messy and you may be more likely to make a mistake, you can also enter links elsewhere in the text (usually at the bottom) on a new line separately, so that the running text remains neat. You refer in the text using a UNIQUE ID. Please note that within 1 text the IDs are always UNIQUE. You can reference the same ID multiple times. Then it goes like this:

You can find the most beautiful photos at [Nonstockphoto][N], they deliver the [...]

and at the bottom of the document you put a line with:

[N]: "Online gallery Nonstockphoto"

The title may possibly be on a new line, but there MUST be a space in front of it (or more than one). You can also remove the 'id' and use the entire link text for this:
You can find the most beautiful photos at [Nonstockphoto], they deliver the […]

and at the bottom of the document you put a line with:
[Nonstockphoto]: "Online gallery Nonstockphoto"

Both methods will result in:
You can find the most beautiful photos at Nonstockphoto, they deliver the […]

Double quotes

Make sure that you use neutral double quotes " for the link titles. These are the ones you always use for code. NOT the separate ‘open’ and ‘close’ that your Word processor automatically creates. In the formatting it is fine to use separate opening and closing quotes of course, that’s even neater.

Relative links

For links to your own pages, NEVER enter the entire URL, only the relative part (the part after your website address), so that when the site goes online you do not have to check all the links. So if you want to link to your own page, use only /parser in the link (including forward slash). This is really important, so please pay attention to it, otherwise you will get dead links, which is bad.

Only refer to your own pages in exceptional cases, although text links are GOOD (and they never die with Bloembraden because it always keeps forwarding), it is NOT the intention that you (e.g.) include a link to the Product page in every text of a Variant, because things like that are (if all goes well) optimized in the template. Only use it if something is very specific.

E-mail addresses

To prevent bots from taking email addresses from your site, it is best not to put them directly in the text. Bloembraaden automatically creates an e-mail link from a text surrounded by @, replace the @ in the e-mail address itself with -at- and the . (dots) by -dot-, for example you get @hello-at-bloembraaden-dot-io@ which will display: hello-at-bloembraaden-dot-io.

Italics / bold / strikethrough

Use just like in Whatsapp: _italic_, *bold*, ~strikethrough~ (NOTE, this differs from Markdown, moreover underlining is not possible). Additional options are ^text^ and ¤text¤, what happens with these depends on the template (for example a color or an animation).
Results: italic, bold, strikethrough, text, text

Keep a piece of text together

Sometimes there are pieces of text that you don't want to spread over multiple lines (for example a price: € 5.00 doesn't look right if the € is at the end of the previous line...). Please note: only do this for relatively short pieces! Surround the piece with = signs like this: =€ 5.00= (the equal signs must connect, otherwise it is just a regular ‘=’, as in: 1 + 1 = 2).

Break words neatly

If you have a long word (e.g. supercalifragilisticexpialidocious) that is confusing your paragraph, you can suggest break points, type a | (pipe) where the browser may break the word if necessary. Without spaces. So: super|cali|fra|gi|lis|tic|ex|pi|ali|do|cious becomes super­cali­fra­gi­lis­tic­ex­pi­ali­do­cious. The browser itself creates a hyphen where it actually breaks off.

Quoting statements

Start each line of the statement with >. What the (block)quote looks like depends on the template. At this time there is no ‘cite’ line included, only the quote itself.


Deviates from Markdown, appearance depends on template. Place three identical characters in a row on a line. Works with -, +, * and _. So --- on one line becomes a line. Depending on the template, the different lines can have different effects on the layout.


You create a code block by starting with three ‘ticks’, these are the backward apostrophes: ```. End the code block again with three ticks: ```. Note the code block is also automatically ended by a blank line! Displaying a small piece of code in a sentence (inline) is done with single ticks: `piece of code`. What exactly that looks like depends on the template. Here: piece of code.


If you want to use a character where it is a command, you must precede it with the standard escape character, a \ (backslash). For example, if you want to start a paragraph with:
1984. What a beautiful year.
Then the parser will think you are starting a numbered list. That's why you write this:
1984\. What a beautiful year.
But even if you want to use square or pointed brackets with content directly between them without (trying to) create a link, you have to escape the first character, for example here \[…]
The backslash is obviously not shown in the final text.
1984\. What a beautiful \[...] becomes
1984. What a beautiful [...]